Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Wintereenmas!

Ahh, its that time of year again.  Wintereenmas.  The great festival of games.

Wintereenmas is one of my very favourite holidays, both because I am a loyal CAD fan, and because I am a card carrying member of the uber-nerds-society (not a real society).  For those who don't know, wintereenmas is a holiday created by Tim Buckley in his popular webcomic Ctrl-Alt-Del, to celebrate games and the people who play t hem, but more generally, it is used to celebrate all things geek, nerd, and the culture that is associated with them.

In previous years, I have done various things associated with video games to celebrate, from decorating a friends dorm with various video game themed decorations (triforce made of n64 games ftw), to having a marathon of RedvsBlue.

This year, in addition to playing with my wonderful guild on WoW, I will be taking the next step in celebration.

No, not that next step.

This year I will be working more heavily on my "for funzies" research, because from basically everything nerd culture celebrates, there is a root in some scientist or engineer or mathematician who sacrificed his free time (and likely his entire social life) to bring us forward.  The goal is not to add in any significant way to our body of knowledge (as the odds of that are minuscule) but rather, to mimic their behaviors in hope of finding greater intellectual enlightenment, not unlike religious pilgrims that travel the paths of the prophets hoping for religious enlightenment.  And I'll probably have some fun along the way, because, hey, robots.